Do you feel restricted? Are there things holding you back from reaching your full potential? Maybe it's student loans. Maybe it's your relationships with your parents. Or maybe it's an old sports injury. This spring, challenge those limitations through an interactive, insightful, and experience driven weekend.
This year, the Spring Gathering wants to help you gain Spiritual/Emotional, Financial, and Physical freedom! Experienced presenters will share on aspects of Spiritual and Emotional, Financial, and Physical well being. Whether it's creating a healthier body, or a healthier marriage, we'll be talking about how to live our best life for ourselves and God. Presentations are geared towards high school through adult, but don't worry, there's plenty of fun for the whole family!
Laurel Nakai has come on board as the children's coordinator. Young kids will have a chance to take part in games and activities, and have a fun and safe place to stay while mom and dad check out a few of the sessions.
We're so excited to bring some fresh ideas and new content, to the place we all know and love. So mark May 20-22nd as: "Shehaqua Spring Gathering: freedom" in your calendar! Find out more about the program and activities on our facebook page. Click "Interested" or "Going" to make sure you don't miss an update! Can't wait to see you there!
Oliver Noll, Director; Andrew Love, Assistant Director; Kester Wilkening, Advisor; Victor Servito, Education Director; Laurel Nakai, Young Family Organizer