For Week 1, from July 19th to July 24th, Kester Wilkening will be our director. For Week 2, from July 27th to August 1st, Daniel Hess will be our director. Thank you both for stepping up again, taking responsibility for Camp! We appreciate all the work you do to help Shehaqua move onward.
Register for Week 1, Week 2, or Musical Meetup »

For concerns about holding camp during this time, scroll to the Please Read section below.

Notes on registration and payments:

After you register, we will send an invoice for the cost, but you will not need to pay it until we announce that the camp will remain open this year. As of now, the Hickory Run State Park cabins including Camp Shehaqua are scheduled to reopen on June 15th, but they may delay reopening further. We should know by then if the park will open or remain closed. If Hickory Run stays closed, in-person Shehaqua will have to be cancelled this year. If enough people are willing to attend and we do not exceed the maximum occupancy on camp grounds, Shehaqua will proceed as usual, with additional safety precautions (see below). If able to host camp, we will send out information on events and activities you can look forward to; we endeavor to provide a fun and fulfilling time for you and your family, with your whole health in mind.

Due to the tentative nature of the registration this year, we are simplifying pricing. We will be using our Regular Fee price with no early bird or late fee. Families that qualify for the Family Maximum pricing will also have this pricing but at the Regular Fee level.

Please Read:

COVID-19 Safety Considerations

  • If you are at risk, we encourage you to stay home this year. While we will take as many precautions as we can such as sanitizing surfaces, providing hand sanitizer, encouraging wearing masks in close quarters, etc., there is no guarantee we can protect and maintain adequate distance to prevent spread, especially during mealtimes.
  • It is recommended and encouraged that all camp participants wear masks at all times indoors in public areas or in groups, frequently wash hands or sanitize, and maintain physical distance when in large groups.
  • If available in your state, we encourage you to get tested either for the virus or for the antibodies in order to better understand your risk level. If you have antibody resistance, that will reduce the risk of transmission for yourself and others around you.
  • If at any point during camp, you start to exhibit symptoms, you will be asked to go home as soon as possible.
  • If you plan to attend and have any loved ones at home who are at risk, we encourage you to find a way to self-quarantine after attending Camp to prevent bringing the illness home.

While COVID-19 and reduced attendance may require each camp to do things a little differently this year, the goal is to maintain the connection and the spirit of camp with everyone who is able to attend.