
From Shehaqua Family Guidebook
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This page is a quick introduction to editing the Guidebook. If you are already familiar to the wiki software, please read the Purpose and the Conventions.

MediaWiki Help Page

Note that you cannot edit unless you have an account. To get an account, contact the webmaster with your preferred username.


The Guidebook is a repository of information that is editable by the Shehaqua Family community. With diverse programs for all ages, the Guidebook is a living document that disseminates knowledge to the entire community.


The purpose of the conventions in the Guidebook is to keep the information organized. Where the convention is intentionally vague, the exact method is left to the editor's discretion for what works best. If something is unclear, find some work done by the Logistics Circle that is similar to what you are doing and copy the layout.

Format & Grammar

The Guidebook is written in third person and present tense unless discussing historical information.

Every longer page starts with a one-sentence abstract as the first sentence in a paragraph-long introduction. This paragraph does not reference any images or tables later on the page.

Organization of the Guidebook

There are three sections in the Guidebook

The Assignments section contains information on how participants are to do the assignments (a.k.a. jobs) during the program.

The Programs section contains helpful informaton for the staff of each program.

The Shehaqua Circles section contains public information on each circle.


Each page in the assignments section should only have one assignment on it and should be part of the Staff Descriptions category. Details are also included so that someone with minimal Shehaqua experience who has never done the job before can do the job with guidance from a knowledgeable advisor. This is the place to put previous pitfalls and best practices for a single assignment.

Camp/Education Director info in this section should only be information common to all programs; specific information on each program for the directors should go into the Program Circles pages. For all other assignments, information belonging to only one program is allowed but should be clearly marked.

Each assignment should have the following table after the first paragraph of introduction, with the right-most column filled out with the correct information.

Physical Capability Required
Long periods of standing good, but not required
Walking long distances no
Heavy lifting yes

The code for this table is below. More details on editing tables are at #Other Important Codes

{| class="wikitable"
! Physical Capability !! Required
| Long periods of standing || good, but not required
| Walking long distances || no
| Heavy lifting || yes


Examples of what might go on the Guidebook and not the website:

  • Typical budgets
  • Accepted interpretations of our policy
  • Local hotel information

Do not duplicate information that is available on the website. Information that belongs on the website include:

  • Directions
  • A tour or other description of the program aimed at newcomers
  • Fees and policy information

Certain information does not belong on either the Guidebook or the website include.

  • Discussions of any kind
  • Meeting agendas. Many Circles use Google Drive for this purpose.
  • Any document with personal details

Shehaqua Family Circles

Each circle has a page in the Shehaqua Family Circles section that gives a general idea of what the circle does. From that page, there are links to knowledge that is under that Circle's stewardship.


This is a quick introduction to the wiki software. Consult the User's Guide for a full manual on how to use the wiki software.

Creating and Editing Pages

To create a new page, edit an existing article to create a link to the new page as described below. That link will display in red. Click on the new red link. You will be shown a screen with an editor.

To edit a page, click the "Edit" tab at the top of the page. The "Edit" tab is between the "Read" and "View History" tabs.

Once you are done making changes, type a quick summary in the summary box at the bottom and then press the "Save Page" button at the bottom of the page.

Editing the Text

Editing the Guidebook text is done using wikitext. As of December 2013, there does not exist a "nice" editor (a.k.a. WYSIWYG editor) for the wiki that is stable. However, the wikitext syntax is very easy to use, and there exists a toolbar with quick links so the user can edit without memorizing the codes.

Helpful buttons on the editor.

When you click on the bold, italic, or any of the buttons underneath the "Advanced" menu, some text will automatically be inserted into the editing area where your cursor is. The "Help" menu give some quick examples that make it easy to understand how this works. Here is an example of a bulleted list (also available under the "Advanced" menu.

* List Item
* List Item
** Indented List Item
*** Very Indented List Item
* Last List Item


  • List Item
  • List Item
    • Indented List Item
      • Very Indented List Item
  • Last List Item

Other Important Codes

Tagging with categories is done with the [[Category:Category Name]] code. The page will then be automatically added to the category listing. All of the staff assignments, for example, have [[Category:Staff Descriptions]] on the bottom of the page, and as a result, all the staff assignments are automatically added to Category:Staff Descriptions. You can add a page to multiple categories.

Tables are explained in detail on the MediaWiki help pages [1]. Here is a quick reference table from the MediaWiki help page. Note the difference between exclamation marks and pipes (pipes are Shift-Backslash, which is the key below the backspace for most US keyboards).

{| table start
|+ table caption, optional; only between table start and first table row
|- table row, optional on first row -- wiki engine assumes the first row
! table header cell, optional. Consecutive table header cells may be added on same line separated by double marks (!!) or start on new lines, each with its own single mark (!).
| table data cell, required! Consecutive table data cells may be added on same line separated by double marks (||) or start on new lines, each with its own single mark (|).
|} table end

Uploading Files

To upload a file, go to Special:Upload or use the "Upload file" link that is in the left navigation menu underneath "Toolbox." Remember the destination filename that you give the file! If you forget the name that you gave the file, you can try to find it again in Special:ListFiles. Then go to the article where the image is to be inserted and use the "Insert Image" button.