By Sally Sayre

Some of the trademarks of Shehaqua have an interesting background that many new members of Shehaqua Family are not familiar with. Even some veterans may not remember where things originated. The compass rose logo that was featured for many years on our T-shirts and is still present on our website, our mugs, and other places was created in 2000 by Steve Martin. He and his wife, Lydia, and their daughters were members of our very first camp in 1995 and continued to attend for several years until the family moved from Pennsylvania to Maryland. Lydia grew up in Allentown and they were members of our local small group before small groups were a recognized part of our church structure. Steve was working as a graphic artist at Majestic which designs and manufactures team uniforms for major league sports.

Shehaqua people


VOL. 1, No. 4, DECEMBER 2011

In our end-of-the-year issue we take a look back on the Shehaqua Family Camp and Fall Festival, and we are looking ahead with updates on the upcoming Winter Retreat and the Video Contest.

Health Retreat at Winter Retreat

Shehaqua 2012 Video Contest Update